Thursday, May 23, 2019

How To Create My First Website ? What Is HTML ?

Hello Friends.

Today we learn 'How To Create My First Website ? What Is HTML ?'

1). How To Create My First Website ?

>>  A website create by some languages , the languages for command your browser what your contant. The languages we know by web language used for browser command. Web languages of first invasion HTML then after some times invasion css for styling and javascript for advanced features. So now we create our website by HTML *(Hiper Text Markup Language).

So Let's start -

Open your notepad and select new then write this :

<DOCTYPE! html>
<title>My First Website</title>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
 <h1> Hello </h1>
<p> Hello Friends This Is My First Website </p>

Then save it in your any drive as html format. example : FirstWebsite.html

   Output :


                Hello Friends This Is My First Website

Look -   '<DOCTYPE! html>' stands for 

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